2024 Droga5 Potluck

The Droga5 Potluck is a much revered annual agency event, with one rule and one rule only— everyone brings a dish. Notable contributions this year: Hot Cheetos and McDonalds fries. I brought candied yams and they were gone 15 mins after the buffet opened— no big deal. Anyways, this year I had the high honor of creating all internal and external promotion materials (posters, signs, social etc). My prompt: channel the kitschy florescent jello molds of our grandmother’s thanksgiving heydays. The designs and the posters in particular were a hit, with multiple requests and dibs to have them framed in personal offices, but momma raised an overachiever and I’m currently petitioning them to be framed and hung in the Droga5 halls forever.

The potluck was also a hit by the way, but no surprises there.

CREDITS: Copy- Ruby Robinson, CDs - Erika Kohnen + Amy Werblin + Harry Bugden


Brown Bag Sandwich Co


Sleepy Bones